Our Favorite Skin-friendly Ingredients for a Morning Smoothie

Super-foods can help supplement your skin-care routine. Choose ingredients such as Maca root, blueberries, spinach, yoghur and mun beans for a moring smoothie that will have your skin glowing from the inside. Good nutrition will lead to healty, glowing skin. Drink plenty of water for extra moisturization and use a great moisturiser such as Pellelucent.Smoothies are a fantastic way to start the day and ensure you’re getting a regular dose of essential vitamins. By routinely having one of these little health kicks in a Mason jar a day, you can help to supplement the condition of your skin. We share our edit of skin-friendly, low prep-time superfoods below!

Maca Powder

Derived from Maca root native to Peru, this little legume can be used to help enhance energy and stabilise your mood. It is also popular for its anti aging properties; vitamins B1, B2, C and E, calcium, potassium, magnesium…the list goes on! Research shows it can aid in structurally enhancing skin firmness. It is available at most health food stores.


These mini bursts of flavor are suggested to have one of the highest known levels of antioxidants of any food. Also packed with amino acids and essential fatty acids, numerous skin care experts recommend the consumption of blueberries to help revitalise the skin, decrease healing time and combat fine lines.


You may prefer it in your salad but the more spinach you can build into your diet (perhaps, via smoothie) the better! Other than helping to nurture the glowing condition of your skin, there is quite a comprehensive list of how this leafy green can enhance wellbeing due to its vitamin content –A, C, E, K and more.


Yogurt isn’t necessarily trending, but it’s high levels of zinc and lactic acid can assist in promoting healthy skin whether consumed or applied topically. If you don’t feel like massaging your face with yogurt –add a few dollops to your smoothie! It’s live cultures are said to rejuvenate skin.

Mung Beans

Containing a high amount of phytoestrogens, Mung beans are also a powerful anti-aging agent. When you pop them in the blender, the properties of this little sprout can help stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The results? Glowing skin!

It just so happens, all these ingredients combined with a splash of coconut milk make for a delectable morning smoothie! Eating well and maintaining a skincare routine with a Pellelucent moisturiser can help improve the condition of your skin.

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You can download a PDF copy of Skin Friendly super Foods to Add to Your Morning Smoothie here!